


ORDYH is a work that seeks connections between the surrounding natural spaces and the water everywhere around us. An ode to the present moment, the here and now, made with a body - flesh, fluids, emotions, everything that flows within us / within other bodies.
The ice is a fundamental element in ORDYH, as it embody the challenge with oneself, a process that leads to regaining the resilience of the self (once believed lost), and to fight that inner tangle, which, despite the fact that our body is composed of at least 50 % water, can become almost as heavy as a rock if left ripen for too long.

ORDYH is a moment in which two bodies, one warm and containing life and one completely frozen and lifeless, are related to each other to complete what might be named, in an intimate way, the "cancellation process": unavoidably, the warmth of the human body will slowly make disappear the ice mass. What will be left then?
The whole body is into play, starting from its flesh, finishing with its voice, integral part of this performance.

A body practice that which aims to create a palpable connection with the audience, challenging them to enter the performance with a simple but direct "action" proposal: break the ice.

Concept, Direction: Stella Covi

Choreography: Stella Covi

Music selection and live playing: Kosmas Dinh

Photography/Videography: Rowan Schratzberger

Au Revoir

Au Revoir was conceived from the desire of creating a moment to listen and observe: firstly, to what is happening inside the body (the breathing, the heartbeat, the warming up of the body temperature...) and secondly to what is happening around us.

In current times when when it is becoming increasingly difficult not to be distracted (even by simplest daily task), I felt the need to create a moment of suspended, silent pause.

Never in the moment, forever in the realm of possibility, always seeking for the next hit: this piece is meant to offer a safe space in which the audience can allow themselves to dream and let go of any rules.

You could say that Au Revoir it is also about different forms of communication. Combining the longing to discover unusual way to express with our bodies, we dived into the study of Morse code and used it in the composition of the piece.

Concept, Direction: Stella Covi

Choreography: Stella Covi  in cooperation with the performers

Performers: Mei Chan, Marta Allocco, Fabienne Deskeer, Mirko Ingrao, Willer Rocha, Francisco Ladron de Guevara

Light design: Stella Covi

Costume design: Stella Covi

Am I Free

Idea and concept : Stella Covi

Dancers: Abraham Iglesias Rodriguez and Stella Covi 

Music: Muslimgauze - Retourn Of Black September/staalplaat

Text: Clarice Lispector - Extract from "Agua Viva"

Voice: Ria Girard

Video: Markus Feifel Pargas

Not a City That Was

A space that partially was non existent
If you didn’t, in it, exist
Now that you do
It is matter forever

It is the chance
The possibility
Of a reality, conceived, understood
It is not about preconception
It is The allowance for free conception
By you

Rising a city

A city of new beginnings

It is not about a city that was,
It’s is not about fixing
It’s is not about death

It is a sacred - standing - manifestation on being present
on zeitgeist
on you in space.

Video: Mirko Ingrao
Performance: Stella Covi

It is not about death

It is about the virtual and the real.

About the real and its nature.

It is about so natural that seems unreal,
and distortion that is true.

It is about bodies in spaces

In places looking for them…

It is about fabric, fluid, water like it.
It is not about death,

It is not about a city that doesn’t exist
It is not about memory
But about a celebratory existence of the new.

About the present that is in front,
Rising, turning into future
In present space

Onde presencialmente estou

It is about physicality
About the dough
About the power of physics and scientific looking through

Reliable - Perspective - incapable of being from one point.

It is about a space that is always a continuum:
vertically and horizontally.

It is about healing,
Sanus per Aquam,
It is about you - diving,
Me - observing
It is about Connection Interconnection and Interstitiality.

It is about you towards the hole
Leaning against
or under the whole.

Past showings


Ordyh at Fitz Theater Stuttgart

June, 26, 2024